Student Memoirs: A Trip Down Memory Lane

Memories of our first day of school conjure up different images for each of us, but one thing is certain: most of us will never forget that historic day.
Think back. Way back. Back to when your age was only a single digit. Do you remember that day when you first walked into a classroom? Do you remember how nervous you were? Maybe your eyes welled up with tears; maybe you grasped your parent’s hand for dear life. Or maybe it was your first display of heroic courage as you pretend to be fearless in the face of your strange new surroundings. Memories of our first day of school conjure up different images for each of us, but one thing is certain: most of us will never forget that historic day.
Fast forward about 15 years and you might find yourself once again standing on the precipice of a new and perhaps intimidating adventure. If you’re embarking on postsecondary education, whether at college or university, at home or abroad, a trip down memory lane can be the perfect segue to your next journey in life. Thinking of the obstacles you overcame and the lessons you learned can keep you grounded and prepare you for what lies ahead. Recalling your successes and triumphs reminds you that gratification and rewards come from achievement.
The feeling of trepidation, even terror, on that first day of school was likely overwhelming, especially if shyness was part of your personality. Then something amazing happened. You met other classmates, the teacher spoke kindly to you, and class started. That desperate feeling of wanting to escape vanished and the world was rosy again.
While you have a lot more life experience heading into college or university, an initial twinge of anxiety or nervousness is normal. The lesson learned from that famous first day of school is: don’t worry, it will pass. You’ll soon settle in and feel comfortable and confident once again.
If social uneasiness still haunts you, think back to the friendships that began on your first day of school and that have lasted until today. Any discomfort or uneasiness is worth it when you make new friends that can turn your college experience into a memorable journey.
Before you leave the past behind and head back to the present, mull over the benefits that came from applying yourself to the learning process. Why not embrace postsecondary education with the same enthusiasm to absorb new things that you had on your first day of school? Even when you were unsure of the practical application of a theory, at least you were learning how to learn and exercising your brain. Making the most of your education and taking advantage of the impact that teachers and others can have on your life can help to make your college memories last.
Speaking of memories, remember to savour them. Time flies by all too fast, as you’re likely aware of when you think back through the years from preschool to highschool graduation. In a few years from now, you’ll probably look back and wonder where your college years went. Store them safely in your memory because they will complete the chapter in your life that began once upon a time, in a classroom far, far away, on your first day of school.
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