Dorm Essentials: Organizing the Dorm
You’ve got enough on your mind trying to keep track of exam schedules, assignment due dates, and social events without worrying about organizing your dorm. Although your mother probably won’t be dropping by to make sure you’ve cleaned your room, life with a little less chaos is always a good thing. Make your space a little neater by investing in a few organizing essentials. Here are some ideas to help you master the mess.
1) The Notice Board
Keeping your mind organized is just as essential as your physical space, and a cork notice board is a great way to keep appointments and dates in front of you, literally. Sure, we all have digital calenders, but a notice board can double as a photo gallery of friends and family, too.
2) The Desk Tray
Pencils, highlighters, device chargers, and other trinkets can all be kept neat and organized in desk trays that fit nicely out of sight in a desk drawer.
3) The Letter Tray
Keep course work separate and organized with multi-level trays that come in letter or legal size. Hanging file folders also work great if you have a desk drawer big enough to hold them.
4) Door Hanger Heaven
If there’s one thing you learned at home, it’s that clothes don’t belong on the floor. A door hanger can go a long way if closet space is small or non-existent. If there seems to be a shortage of usable doors, try a valet stand placed in the corner of your room.
5) The Laundry Basket
The one exception when clothes belong on the floor – in a laundry basket of course. Keep your dirty clothes in one neat pile until laundry day.
6) The Shoe Organizer
Shoes are something we can’t go without, but for some of us they’re a bit of an obsession. And they add up fast – after all, they come in pairs. Hanging shoe holders or stackable racks are both good solutions for organizing footwear.
7) Magazine Mania
Magazines can add up to the point where they’re overwhelming. If you hang on to magazines, brochures and pamphlets for future reference, keep them tidy by storing them vertically in magazine files.
8) The Stackable Storage Box
Boxes or baskets of any sort are perfect for throwing in loose items that don’t have a permanent home. Stackable boxes with lids make your space go even further and can keep dust and dirt off your gadgets and treasures.
As the saying goes, a place for everything and everything in its place.’ Depending on how much stuff we have, that might be easier said than done. These organizing essentials, though, won’t let you down when it comes to keeping your dorm tidy and neat. In fact, you might even want to text a picture or two home, and show your folks how it’s done!
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