2013: A New Year. Time for a New Career?

Now is a perfect time to use education to get the job you want.
While you’re cleaning the mess left over from New Year’s Eve, consider making 2013 the year you come up with a real New Year’s Resolution: Get a better job.
Now is a perfect time to use education to get the job you want. Going back to school can help you shoot up your current company ladder, or find work in a completely separate field.
If you hate your current job, you’ve probably had this conversation before. And chances are good that you’ve had one of three excuses.
I can’t afford it:
This is always a legitimate concern. However, factor in your return on investment. A hundred dollars a month in student loan repayment isn’t much if your new job pays a thousand dollars, per month, more than your current job.
I don’t have time:
This is what stops far too many parents from taking the plunge. Before you dismiss going back to school, look into the school’s offerings and see if you can study online, or on evenings or weekends. That type of freedom can be a big difference maker.
I don’t know what I would take:
That’s OK. That means you’re taking this seriously and not willing to study just anything. The first step is knowing what’s available. Start by seeing what schools and programs are available in your area, and then decide what interests you.
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