4 Ways for College and University Students to Save Money
Ryan Leclaire
2 Min Read

If you know someone that is good with money (parent, friend, sibling, whatever) don’t be afraid to ask them for some tips.
Is saving money part of your New Year’s Resolution? It’s easier than you think. You can easily cut back on a few things without feeling too much of a pinch, or cutting out fun completely.
This year try:
- Revisiting Your Phone Plan Take a look at how you’re spending money on your cell and home phone bills. Do you really need both? Most importantly, make sure you’re on the best rate plan for your calling pattern. If you’re not calling home, but wasting a ton of money on heavy long distance minutes, get rid of them. Also remember you can cut back on your long distance minutes by using Skype more.
- Staying in (more) We’re not trying to kill your social life, but maybe scale it back a bit. A night out often includes food, drinks, cabs and other little things that add up to a huge expense. Maybe start by going out when you feel like you need to escape for a bit. Not just routinely because you always go out on Wednesday night.
- Look at Your Money Periodically look at your account activity online. Or do a proposed budget. Actually seeing where you’re spending (or wasting money) will make you aware of it, so you’ll be a bit smarter with it.
- Ask For Help If you know someone that is good with money (parent, friend, sibling, whatever) don’t be afraid to ask them for some tips. A lot of people who are good with money take pride in it, so they will probably be happy to help.
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