
Link to Us

If you would like to link to us from your website or blog, feel free to use any of the logos below.

To download a logo:

  1. Right-click on the logo that best suits your purposes then select “Save image as.”
  2. Select the file folder in which you’d like to save the logo, then choose a file name, and click save.

For Schools and Businesses

125px x 125px as-seen-on-125x125
234px x 60px
120px x 90px

For Contributors

125px x 125px
234px x 60px
120px x 90px

Other Logos

125px x 125px
234px x 60px
120px x 90px
300px x 250px
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Link to

Copy and paste the following code and place within the html of your website.

<a href=””></a>

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Popular Stories

Study Magazine - 3 Ways to Prepare for Back to School
Student Loans and Grants
In Canada there are a plethora of student aid programs to help students across all walks of life in pursuing post-secondary education. These programs provide the necessary financial assistance to go back to school and excel in your career.
Student Loans and Grants
In Canada there are a plethora of student aid programs to help students across all walks of life in pursuing post-secondary education. These programs provide the necessary financial assistance to go back to school and excel in your career.

Are you a Writer with a Story to Share?

We are looking for contributers for the website. Want to get your work published and give back to the industry? We can help.