
Not Sure What to Study? Check Out These 5 Industry Predictions for 2014

By Linda Galeazzi
  4 Min Read
Skilled Trades | Study Magazine

Learn more about five industries that are anticipating steady growth in the coming year. You may just find the career path you’ve been looking for.

Aerospace Engineering

The aerospace industry covers everything from airplanes to satellites to missiles. You’ll need a degree in aerospace engineering to qualify for the best-paying positions, although a degree in mechanical engineering might get you in the door if the demand for skilled professionals is high enough. Salaries for aerospace engineers has increased by 11% in the past several years, and salaries climb into the six figures as more experience and time is accrued in the industry. To get a Master’s in Aerospace Engineering in Canada, you’ll have to contact one of the following schools to find out more about pre-admission requirements. (Hint: those without strong science and math skills may want to consider another field.)


The construction industry has experienced an average yearly growth of 8.5 per cent, with no signs of slowing down. As a result, skilled tradesmen and tradeswomen of all kinds are needed to help fill upcoming construction positions, from electricians to carpenters, from architects to heavy equipment operators. Both federal and provincial governments are investing in training, apprenticeships and skills development as well as enhancing the Red Seal Program, which ensures that workers are qualified to perform the duties in which they’re trained. There are plenty of opportunities to work in construction, and plenty of schools across Canada offering related diploma programs.

Health Care

Job growth in Canada’s health care industry is influenced by two major factors: baby boomers entering retirement, and more home-based services being developed for the elderly. Registered nurses, pharmacy assistants, physical therapists, chiropractors, radiation therapists, medical lab technicians, dieticians and EMTs will all be required as retirement creates job openings and communities focus more on working towards improving home care for elderly, ill and/or disadvantaged patients. If you’re interested in a career in health care, here are just some of the schools that offer degree or diploma programs in related fields.

Petroleum Engineering

If you’ve always loved math and science but weren’t sure where your passion and expertise would be best served, consider studying petroleum engineering. Canadian Business magazine reports a 75 per cent growth in the number of employees, with a 39 per cent increase  According to Cheryl Knight, executive director of the Petroleum Human Resources Council of Canada, the oil and gas industry will lose up to 25 per cent of its engineers in the next ten years due to retirement of the currently employed engineers. The need for petroleum engineers is so big, in fact, that companies in the oil and gas industry have hired chemical and mechanical engineers and re-trained them to work in the petroleum sector.  If you’re interested in a booming field, here are just some of the post-secondary institutions that offer degrees in petroleum engineering:


The tourism industry was undoubtedly one of the hardest hit by the economic recession. With Canada’s economy rebounding and a stable national jobless rate, the restaurant and hotel industries will see steady growth in 2014. The retirement of baby boomers will also result in a need for qualified professionals across many tourism-related fields, including transportation, accommodation, recreation, and food and beverage services. If you’re interested in a career related to the tourism industry, here are just some of the schools that offer diploma or degree programs that cover all aspects of the hospitality and tourism industry.

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