
Sprott Shaw Community College Wants Your Internship to Be Successful

By Ryan Leclaire
  2 Min Read

You may or may gain valuable experience during an internship.

Summer is just around the corner. Have you set up an internship yet? If you have, Sprott Shaw Community College wants to help you get the most from the internship experience.

You may or may not get paid. You may or may not gain valuable experience. You may or may not make coffee all summer. In any case, Sprott Shaw advises you to start off on the right foot and be friendly.

“People are interested in why you are there and what you want to do. During my first internship, I would walk around and talk to a lot of people,” said the school in a blog posting.

“This was mainly because my job required me to sort the mail on several floors of the organization.”

They also said you’ll inevitably get asked what you want to gain from this experience. Be careful how you answer, even if you don’t know what you want.

“Think of skills you want to acquire and areas of their organization you would like to know more about. I made a mistake in one of my internships and didn’t say what I wanted. This lead to a fairly tedious work schedule.”

The article also advises you to be prepared to do the grunt work around the office and always show up on time. Also, it’s extremely important to ask questions. It makes you look more engaged and can save you from making an embarrassing mistake.

Schools mentioned: Sprott Shaw Community College

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